Unlock the Secret (Malfunctioning Door Lock Actuator)
March 29, 2020
What a convenience power door locks are on a vehicle. The latest don't even require you to push the button on the key fob; all you have to do is have it with you. But sometimes there's a component of power door locks that can fail, especially when they are used several times each day. Those ar... More

What to Do in Case of an Accident in Glendale Heights
March 22, 2020
Screeching tires, crunching metal it's an accident! If you've ever been in a car accident in Glendale Heights, even a minor one, you know how upsetting it can be. It's hard to think straight and know what to do.Let's review what Glendale Heights drivers should do in case of an accident:When an ... More

H20 No! (Driving Through Standing Water)
March 15, 2020
In a year marked by unusually heavy flooding in North America, drivers are very aware of the possibility they may find themselves driving where water has come over the road. It can be a daunting and frightening situation. Flooding waters can move quickly and unpredictably, so you have to keep y... More

Questions to Ask Your Glendale Heights Service Advisor
March 8, 2020
We find that a lot of Glendale Heights drivers are a little tentative when they talk with their automotive advisors. They want to ask questions but don't want to be embarrassed or seem pushy. Vehicles are very complicated and there's more to know about them than most of us have the time to learn.... More

Bouncy Bouncy ? Are My Shocks Bad?
March 1, 2020
When Glendale Heights drivers think about preventive maintenance, what usually comes to mind is oil, fluids and brakes. We don't generally think about our shocks or struts, but these auto parts keep our tires on the road.Glendale Heights drivers don't think about shocks as often as oil changes b... More