Can Car Scent Keep You Safe on Illinois Roads?
January 26, 2020
Here's a travel tip that'll I'll bet you didn't know, and it might keep you safer...The average American commuter in Illinois spends two and a half hours daily in their vehicle.The government says 100,000 auto accidents yearly are caused by drivers who fall asleep at the wheel. (Aggressive drivin... More

When Are Your Tires Worn Out?
January 20, 2020
Hey Glendale Heights area drivers, are your tires worn out? What is the standard for our Illinois streets? How can you tell on your vehicle?While there may be legal requirements for the Glendale Heights area, there are safety concerns that go beyond meeting minimum replacement mandates.Two-thir... More

Fuel Saving Tip: Dirty Oil in Your Glendale Heights Vehicle
January 19, 2020
If you're a quart low in your vehicle, there isn't enough motor oil to lubricate your engine properly. The extra friction causes drag that reduces fuel economy while you're driving around the Glendale Heights area.The same goes for dirty oil; it doesn't reduce friction properly. The result is you... More

QUIET TIME (Listening for Vehicle Problems)
January 19, 2020
Everybody's got friends like this. You know, the kind who, the minute they get in their vehicle and turn the key, the sound system is deafening. They just love to hear that music, sports, news anything but the sound of the vehicle itself. And maybe you're that person, too. Here's something to ... More

PCV Valve: What Is It?
January 18, 2020
Most Glendale Heights drivers know something about preventive maintenance on a vehicle. We know we should routinely replace the oil and wiper blades and other fluids. But have you heard of a PCV valve ? This little car part needs to be replaced regularly or it can cause some serious problems in y... More

Fuel Saving Tip: Slow Down Around Glendale Heights
January 17, 2020
There's not much we can do about the price of gas in Glendale Heights, Illinois, but we do quite a bit about how much we use as we're driving on our Glendale Heights streets.Our driving habits can dramatically affect our fuel economy.The first thing we can do is watch the 'go-pedal.' Hard acceler... More

Steer Right in Glendale Heights
January 16, 2020
Virtually all vehicles come with power steering, so many Glendale Heights drivers have never driven a car or truck without it. Power steering assists you when you turn your vehicle steering wheel. Without it, it would be very hard to steer. Now this power assist comes in a couple of forms. In re... More

Battery Basics for Glendale Heights
January 15, 2020
It's important for Glendale Heights drivers to know battery basics. First, let's talk about which is harder on a battery hot or cold Illinois weather. Most Glendale Heights area drivers think it's cold weather because that's when we call on our batteries to have enough power to start a cold veh... More

Give me a Brake (Light)!
January 14, 2020
If that little brake warning light pops up on your dash, do you know what it means? Well, if you said no, you wouldn't be alone. You know it has something to do with your brakes, but exactly what? You're not sure. One of the reasons is that it could mean a lot of different things. It could be som... More